In the beginning the Word was unspoken. Unknown, un-heard. Entombed in darkness, unborn. Growing, preparing for it's first utterance. Waiting to be spoken.
No sooner had the Word been spoken than twins were born to it. First, Memory and then Forgetting and these two were enemies.
Every time the Word was spoken, it would be remembered, but then gradually forgotten, until one day Memory wrote the word so it could no longer be forgotten. The spoken Word, now gave birth to the written Word and Memory grew stronger. Enraged by Memories' success, Forgetting fought back, destroying the written words wherever they were found. So Memory carved the Word on stones and the Word lived.
But it was hard to write on the stone and Forgetting limited the amount of words that could be written until Memory began to entrust the words to scrolls of papyrus and vellum. So the words multiplied, but the ink faded and Forgetting stole the words once again until Memory wrote with ink that did not fade.
The number of the scrolls increased now and spread throughout the earth. So precious, so life giving were the words on the scrolls that Memory placed them in temples where they were studied and taught to others by priests and so Meaning was born; but Forgetting was still at work, and made the words to be known but not understood, thus Forgetting gave birth to Ignorance.
Ignorance now ruled and war broke out among the people. The words were broken and scattered, the temples destroyed and scrolls lost. Forgetting had given birth to Chaos who buried the Word and hid it. In time those who cherished Memory in their hearts would find fragments of words and reconstruct Meaning, teaching the people once again, but the rulers would suppress and kill them until Ignorance ruled once more.
The more Ignorance slew those who loved the Words, the more determined they became to recover them from Chaos. Committing the recovered words to plates of wood and metal that could print. Memory now broke free from Forgetting and Knowledge was borne, rising to flow through the earth like a river.
Books were now compiled from the printed pages, libraries were built to house them, universities founded to teach. Meaning and Knowledge were nurtured. The people prospered. Still, the words were often burnt, and libraries destroyed, but the books were printed faster than they could be destroyed.
Memory was increasing exponentially now and soon distributed the Word electronically. The people now held in their hands more words than they could ever read, but still Forgetting rose up to capture and suppress Memory, this time with Lies. Then Memory countered with Truth who wrestled against Lies.
Lies took many peoples captive, but those who listened and thought and loved, heard the whisper of Truth and found their way back to Meaning, Memory and finally to the Word itself and there they found Life.